In Person and Virtual Counselling
I listen carefully. I ask questions carefully. I may respectfully 'challenge' self-defeating thoughts and habits while encouraging new ways and esteem building thought processes. My 25+ years experience providing counselling to individuals has gifted me with options for treatment. No one modality fits all! Solution Focused is a constant, but not exclusive.
I do not fix your life, I offer insight, communication skills, sorting out the past, present and future, highlighting thinking which is self-defeating and offering ideas to change what can e changed. I help with brainstorming solutions and planning to meet goals and positive self esteem work.
I offer, first and foremost, a safe place with no judgement for you to deposit the bad stuff: guilt, shame, anger, resentment, secrets, failures etc. And we will work together on turning the negatives into positives or at least neutralizing them.
For some, I am a trusted confidante, whether there are old secrets to be sorted before it's too late.
For many I am a safe place to help clify decisions and future planning.
For those 55+ I am often a resource, a person who sympathizes, understands, often has had similar experinces, you know 'been there, done that, got the t-shirt"
Individual (18+)
Always better with both parties presetn, but these will be opportunites for indivisual sessions:
Usual approach is 4 sessions minimum with follow up going forward.
1 Together
2 + 3 Individual
4 Together
Work will focus on what was your intial attraction, what changed, who wants to continue and who doesn't, what obstcles need to be addressed, communiction styles.
I do not fix your marriage - that's your job. I will do what I can to highlight the strengths, the pros and cons, the changes possible, probable and impossible. There may be questionnaires to complete relating to values, hopes, personality traits, behaviours etc, geared to enhance your connection and communications.